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The Dogs Collection

The Dogs Collection

The long-awaited and highly-anticipated Dogs Collection has finally arrived. This new collection, bold and vibrant, showcases all we cherish about our four-legged friends. It introduces characters that are sure to become cherished mainstays in the Lucy Pittaway collection.

Driven by Lucy's passion for dogs, this collection embodies themes of friendship, family, and joy as we celebrate life with our furry companions.

Lucy's inspiration artwork

My affection for animals began in my early years. I grew up surrounded by dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, and sheep, with dogs being my firm favourite. Their presence always put me at ease. The bond with a dog is unique; they innately sense and respond to our emotions, providing comfort. Over the years, I've been privileged to share my life with various dog breeds. Memories of their individual characters influenced this collection—from our current Jack Russell, an enthusiast for mountain climbing and paddle boarding, to the diligent Cocker Spaniels and Labradors. Some even feature in this Dogs Collection.

Lucy's early interactions with dog breeds

Artwork showcasing Lucy's love for animals

Creating this Dogs Collection was artistically challenging, but I embraced every moment. Capturing the distinct essence and personalities of dogs, so different from sheep, was a delightful journey. Their depiction often brought a smile to my face, and I'm elated with the final result. I hope this collection fills viewers with joy, appealing to both dog owners and those without dogs, as it emphasises themes of family and camaraderie. This collection is merely the start, with much more to unveil in the future.

Final artwork from Lucy's dog collection

This captivating nine-piece Dogs Collection offers a mix of bold titles and subtle pieces. And do keep an eye out for the unexpected guest amidst them!