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Latest Artwork | Sycamore Gap
Meet The Artist - Lucy Pittaway

Meet The Artist - Lucy Pittaway

Lucy Pittaway Ltd is excited to invite art lovers to special "Meet the Artist" events taking place in four of its Galleries during the next few weeks. These events are happening in York, 11th November, Keswick 18th November, Harrogate, 25th November and Richmond, 9th December during Saturday afternoon. 

Lucy Pittaway, a well-known Yorkshire-based artist who has won multiple awards, will be at the galleries, to meet customers and sign any artwork they want signing. This is a unique chance for people who admire her work to meet the artist in person and get their artwork personally signed.

Besides the art, customers can enjoy a relaxed glass of fizz while exploring the galleries. There is a beautiful collection of Lucy’s artwork, homeware, and gifts, making it the perfect place to find something special for your home or a Christmas gift.

Lucy Pittaway's art is famous for its colourful and whimsical style that makes people smile. Don't miss this opportunity to meet the artist behind these captivating creations and have your art pieces signed.

Lucy Pittaway welcomes everyone who loves art and the public to come and join the teams at any of these events. They’re looking forward to a wonderful afternoon of art and creativity!