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Summer Art Competition

Calling on future artists!

If you are or know of someone who is between the ages of 3-16, and love art as much as we do, we are giving the chance for one lucky winner to become a published artist with Lucy Pittaway! The lucky winner will be chosen from entries into this year’s summer competition called: Your Happy Place. Lucy’s paintings are full of love and happiness, so we want to know where that happy place is.

Entries can be submitted now, and it is simple to do:

1. Create the piece of art based on the theme provided. (It must be no larger than A3 in size and needs to be two-dimensional).

2. Submit art by either, emailing a photo to putting “Your Happy Place” in the subject line or handing it into one of our art galleries in Brompton-On-Swale, Harrogate, Keswick, Richmond (North Yorkshire), Yarm or York.

When sending in entries, please include the following:

  • Entrants (child’s) name:
  • Age:
  • Parent/Guardian name:
  • Address:
  • Email:
  • Telephone:

Don’t forget to save and share these details with anyone that might like to enter.

What can you win?

Age Group Prizes

There will be five age group winners with the chance for their art to be published: 

  • 3-5 years
  • 6-8 years
  • 9-11 years
  • 12-14 years
  • 15-16 years

The winner of each group will receive an Artists Pack full of Lucy Pittaway stationery and merchandise. 

The Winner

One lucky winner from the five groups will be selected to have their artwork published using the same format Lucy uses herself: 

  1. The original artwork is digitally captured
  2. Artists’ proofs are printed
  3. The final print is selected
  4. In-house printing and framing takes place

They will receive three mounted Artist Proofs which are unique to them, as well as a framed print of their final artwork. 

Start Date:        10th July 2023 
End Date:          31st August 2023

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