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Lavender Fields

Lavender Fields

Introducing "Lavender Fields" Lucy Pittaway's latest artwork

"Lavender Fields" is a testament to Lucy's artistic vision and her ability to create the essence of a breathtaking location. Drawing inspiration from her travels, Lucy's artwork takes viewers on a visual odyssey that indulges the senses and evokes a sense of peace and tranquillity.

The painting showcases Lucy’s talent for blending colours and textures to create an immersive experience. The vibrant and delicate shades of lavender effortlessly merge to create a harmonious symphony that speaks directly to the soul.

Lucy shared her thoughts on the inspiration behind the artwork: "Whilst travelling, I have been captivated by the breathtaking beauty of lavender fields. They hold a certain magical quality that awakens my imagination and brings with it a profound sense of peace. Through this artwork, I wanted to share that experience with others and offer a haven of calmness amidst the chaos of our modern lives."

As an artist with a keen eye for detail and an unwavering passion for her craft, Lucy Pittaway's "Lavender Fields" stands as a testament to her dedication to capturing the essence of beauty and inviting viewers to connect with the world around them.

"Lavender Fields" is available as an original or print. It is available to purchase online at or by visiting galleries based in Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond North Yorkshire, Yarm, York, Harrogate, and Keswick. The original is on display in York.