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Lay-Away Plan

Lay-Away Plan

Secure art with a deposit as low as 20%.

To help you purchase Lucy Pittaway art that you fall in love with, you can spread payments across a 12-month period under our Lay-Away plan. A minimum deposit of 20% of the full purchase value will secure the art.

What is it?

A Lay-Away plan allows you to put a deposit on one or several items so nobody else is eligible to purchase them. You then have time to pay off the remaining balance. Once paid in full, your items can be collected or shipped to you.

Can I Cancel a Lay-Away Plan?

Yes, you may cancel your Lay-Away plan at any point, and we will refund all monies paid minus a cancellation fee of 10% of the total order value.

Are There Any Interest Fees, Late Fees, or Hidden Fees?

No, we don't charge late fees or any additional costs.

Are There Any Credit Checks with A Lay-Away Plan?

No, there are no soft or hard searches on your credit file. As you only receive the items once the balance is cleared, there's no need for us to check your financial situation. Everybody is welcome to use this payment option as long as the 20% deposit can be made.

How can I Make a Payment?

You can visit any gallery or call directly to make a payment. A standing order or BACS option is also available.

Can My Item Be Sold When I Take Out a Plan?

No, once a deposit has been made, we remove the item from our sales channels and store it securely. Unless you decide to cancel the Lay-Away plan or fail to clear the balance in the allotted time, we will only sell the item to you!

How Flexible Is a Lay-Away Plan?

It depends on your requirements. We typically allow a Lay-Away Plan for between 1 – 12 months. However, if it's a high-value item and you require more time to clear the balance or need a specific payment date, we can create a tailored Lay-Away plan for you.