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Lucy Pittaway's Artist Activity Packs!

Lucy Pittaway's Artist Activity Packs!

Lucy Pittaway's Artist Activity Packs! Unleashing Creativity in Young Minds

Lucy Pittaway, the award-winning artist, renowned for her vibrant and captivating creations, is on a mission to ignite a spark of creativity in the next generation of artists! With a passion for art and an unwavering commitment to inspiring young people, Lucy is creating something special – free educational Artist Activity Packs tailored for school children at key stages 1 to 3.

At the heart of Lucy's vision lies a desire to develop a love for art among youngsters, to nurture their imagination, and to encourage their artistic expression. Observing the overwhelming support from families and supporters who admire Lucy's work has been the driving force behind this great initiative.

Lucy's commitment to these activity packs extends beyond her artwork; it's about responding to the immense support she's received and giving back to the community that has embraced her work. These packs aren't merely resources; they're a fun and engaging free resource, extending a hand to help and support schools and other educational establishments.

More than just learning tools, these Artist Activity Packs are designed to be engaging, enriching, and, above all, fun! Tailored to meet the needs of children at key stages 1, 2, and 3, each pack is a treasure trove of insights into Lucy's artistic journey. From unveiling the story of Lucy's evolution as an artist to captivating activities like 'Spot the Difference' and delightful colouring exercises, these packs are crafted to captivate young minds keen on exploring the world of art.

It gives Lucy Pittaway great pleasure to share her extraordinary artistic journey, where creativity thrives, dreams take flight, and learning is a joyful and colourful adventure!