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Yorkshire artist releases spotty sheep artwork in support of Children in Need

Yorkshire artist releases spotty sheep artwork in support of Children in Need

Lucy Pittaway's Generous Gesture for Children in Need

With the country rallying for its yearly charitable activities, the renowned Yorkshire-based artist, Lucy Pittaway, infuses her latest piece with delightful 'spotted' elements, showing her unwavering support for the cherished Children in Need charity.

The mesmerising piece, titled ‘Wrapped in Love’, elegantly displays Lucy’s hallmark sheep set against a backdrop of expansive blue skies. Distinctive Pudsey-inspired spots adorn the piece, manifesting as a whimsical bow tie and headband.

In a philanthropic move, Lucy has pledged to donate 25% of profits from every sale of this print directly to Children in Need. Moreover, the original artwork too is up for purchase, with the identical charitable percentage promised for the noble cause.

Lucy shares, “The very essence of childhood deeply resonates with my artwork and its unique style. I'm exhilarated at the prospect of contributing to such an admirable cause. I'm confident that our valued customers will relish the opportunity to support Children in Need, while possessing a piece of art that's both delightful and meaningful.”

Discover more about this benevolent initiative on Lucy Pittaway's official website.